Tuesday, October 27, 2009

back from knuckles

Julia and I arrived safely back from Knuckles Mountain Range. It was beautiful. We ended up meeting a friend of Julia's boss' father who happened to own a house in knuckles. The place is vacant and he has servants living there and tending to the place. It was a nice villa hidden away between tea plantations and forests. The servant, Yoca, took us on a hike yesterday. We saw water buffalo hanging out.
I of course walked ahead of Julia and Yoca and went way past the house. BUT I saw wild MONKEYS! They were big.
The day before we went to an elephant orphanage. I will upload some video from the elephant orphanage tomorrow.

Here is one video. I love how serious he is about making elephant dung paper:

Tonight Julia and I will have a nice meal here in Colombo. Doing laundry at her boyfriend's apt now.

Lots of love to you all. -Noa

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